Select your town from the list. Please note our address database is based on Canada Post addresses please pick the town that matches your mailing adddress.
Select your street from the list.
Please enter your address number.
Step 2 - Service Selection
We have great news! Your home qualifies for our FTTH Service.
Please select the Internet service you would like to subsribe to from the available services below.
Monthly Fee
One-Time Activation Fee
Telephone and TV Service are also available at your service location. These can be added when our customer service team contacts you to book the installation. Please note if you have an existing Home Phone service with Standard Broadband that servce will automatically be transfered when your new FTTH service is installed.
Step 3 - Customer Information
Almost done, just a few last questions. Please complete the details below, once filled in an electronic service agreement will be emailed to the address provided below. Please open this agreement, accept it and you are all set.
Service Address:
Service Selected:
Customer Details:
Step 4 - Agreement
Thank you for choosing Standard Broadband
You are all set, we have completed your online signup and an electronic service agreement has been sent to you.
Please open the document and complete it electronically, upon completion our customer service team will reach out to you to schedule your installation.
You may also use the link below to open the document now on your computer, phone or tablet. You will simply need to electronically sign the document and one of our customer service group will be in touch with you to coordinate your connection. If you are a new customer you will also need to compelte the billing section, existing customers will not be required to complete any additional billing details.
Address Not Found
Unfortuately we don't have service to your address yet. We are expanding and hope to have complete coverage in your community over the next 12 months.